Bibliographical notes

Born in 1947 in Busto Arsizio (VA), North of Milan, his mother is from Poland; she is fond of drawing, and advises him precociously to the drawing.
After the High School of Art he attends for some years the Faculty of Architecture at The Politecnico of Milan and the Brera Academy with G.F. Usellini, where he will later complete his studies with Luciano
Caramel and Alik Cavaliere.
In his ‘20s He starts travelling over Europe; in Italy it is significant his staying in Spoleto where he gets for the first time an exhibition at the Festival. In the first ‘70s he comes back to Milan, he lives a period of big
fears and existential tensions which will drive him to make a painting loaded with social worrisome symbols: The Machine Man, The Plastic Man disintegrated and X-rayed.
In the ‘74/76s during some long staying in London a turning point happens; the relation among material,light, colour has a focus on his interest, he starts dedicating to landscapes and engraving on chalcography becomes the vehicle of the expression of his metamorphosis.
In this solitary and strict discipline he is fascinated by the material and by the alchemy of the interactive possibilities of colour.
He exhibits in Milan at the Ciovasso Gallery, at the Sala Stampa Nazionale (National Press Room), at the Banca Popolare di Milano Main Branch winning the first prize of “Contemporary Graphics City of Milan”. At
the end of the ‘80s he travels a lot to: New York, Canada, Germany and he starts a collaboration with some Publishers and Galleries, such as the J. Szoke Graphics of New York, the Profile Art of Toronto and the Commeter of Hamburg.
In the following years, his stubborn strictness just as big as his passion for the poetry of nature, drives him to “establish the categories of a new special engraving technique opening to colour after centuries of black and white” as the Art Historian Paolo Bellini underlines, who introduces him to some exhibitions of the 90’s, such as to: Il Torchio of Porta Romana; Spirale Gallery of Milan; Ghiggini Gallery of Varese, Arte Fiera of Bologna; Art Expo of New York.
Later, he experiments it with the students of the High School of Art of Busto Arsizio, where he has been a Professor since 1996. In the last fifteen years he starts again painting, and above all in his pastels, he will find a special brilliant synthesis between shape and colour, also thanks to the lessons of sign and light of over forty years of his chalcographic experience.
Since his recent stage of searching for colour, he has been going on experimenting what already started 20 years ago on his abstract works, by maintaining, however, as A. Gusmano underlines, some elements of
continuity with his previous periods.