In His painting from 1968 and 1974, Zambrelli investigates some social and cultural issues which take shape during that period but whose consequences we can see in today’s reality: from the ecological issue, to the relationship between Human Being and Machine, machine domination, uncommunicativeness and fear in searching for an identity.

As at that time Luciano d’Atri has underlined, representative of this historical context, is “the Plastic Man”, a naked man, who seems to vibrate with obsessive pangs, paralyzed by Fear, strong mark of a cruel descent into Hell without any possibility of redemption.
A symbol of worrying about what we have become for some reasons, or might become ?
Luisa De Bernardi

Reflections on his early works
They are works in which the content sometimes exceeds the shape; in some of them the structure is meant purposely disintegrated with symbolical intents.
The spreading of the message is expressed in the presence of border-line subjects, animals and masks along with human beings.
They are works that convey the typical social problems of the period after the year 1968 which would create the present “liquid” social background, which may be compared for some reasons to the uncertain background of Otto Dix and of his artists of the Dresdner Sezession.
Alessandro Gusmano
Yin e Yang (1973) – Oil on board – 160 by 60 cm. (62,99 x 23,62 inches)
IThe chemical (1972) – Oil on board – 175 by 50 cm. – (68,90 x 19,69 inches)
Riccardo (1974) – Oil on board – 185 by 40 cm. (72,83 x 15,75 inches)
Ambiguity (1974) – Oil on board – 180 by 46 cm. – (70,87 x 18,11 inches)